Scan to log in to WeChat
Choose ESN Wallet for your OS. Then download the ESN Wallet and extract files.
(Please Extract files on your desktop)
Launch ESNwallet.exe
Once you launch it, choose 'USE THE MAIN NETWORK'
Create your wallet account (Choose your password)
*For Sending ESN, you need the password of this account. So, remember the password.
Check created account name and address.
Run window explorer
Type %appdata%
Double click Ethersocial folder
Delete gesc folder and rerun ESN wallet
* Warning: Do not delete keystore folder ever!
Follow the ESN Pool Status link below and choose a pool that you want to use.
Download Claymore
Edit 'Start.bat'
Check mining
1. If both Pending Balance and Total paid don't show up
In this case, mining is not working well. There should be some issues. Double check your 'start.bat' and wallet address.
2. Pending Balance shows up, but Total paid doESN't show up
It means that mining is working well, but it is not paid yet. It usually take some time to pay depend on hash rate. Therefore, you can get paid after few hours in general. However, ask to pool manager for this issue if it is not paid after few hours. There could be some issues on the mining pool.
3. Both Pending Balance and Total paid show up, but no balance on your wallet
There is no issue on your mining. Check version of your wallet or synchronize the wallet
Terms of Use
Please read the Terms of Use before using the Website. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use or the Privacy Policy, please do not access or use the Website.
[1. Objectives]
[2. Description, Explanation and Revision of the Terms]
[3. Restriction on Access to the Website]
[4. Operation of the Website]
[5. Security and Responsibility on the Personal Information]
[6. Intellectual Property Right]
[7. Disclaimer]
[8. Jurisdictions and Applicable Law]
[Supplementary Provision]
Privacy Policy
[ESN Privacy Policy]
[1. Objectives of Information Collection and its Use]
[2. Collecting, operating, and denying personal information by cookies]
[3. Sharing and providing to the third parties]
1. Sharing of personal information
① Web-log analytics and search engine providers that help improve and optimize the Website.
② E-commerce companies, such as payments solutions providers, support online purchasing, donation, and other payments processing.
2. Consignment, Sharing and providing of personal information to third parties
① If the Website provides personal information to a consigned company, it manages and oversees the company to prevent it from any violation on privacy laws. If the contents of consignment or the consigned parties change, such change shall be disclosed through the privacy policy without any delay.
② However, in the event of the following, we may provide personal information without your consent according to the provisions of the related ordinance.
a. Provide it as an unrecognizable format for statistical, academic, or market research purposes
b. Store your data on the basis of ordinance provisions or as the investigating body request it for investigative purposes according to the procedures and methods in the ordinance.
[4. Technical and administrative measures to protect the personal information]
1. Technical measures
① Encrypt your data
All the information you provide to us is stored on our security server. All web-based payments are encrypted using SSL technology.
② Measures against hacking
The Website is doing its best to prevent your personal information from being leaked or damaged by hacking or computer viruses. The data is frequently backed up in case of damages and the personal information or data are not leaked or damaged by using vaccine programs. We use intrusion prevention systems to control unauthorized access from the outside. We make every effort to equip ourselves with all possible technical measures to ensure systemic security.
2. Administrative measures
① Minimize and limit the staff who are handling the personal information, provide a separate password for the responsible person and update them regularly and frequently emphasize the importance of privacy policy for the Website through regular education to the staff.
3. Management on personal information provided
We are not responsible for any problems caused by personal information leakage due to the users ' carelessness, such as password, phone number, and other basic internet risks. Please change your password frequently and be extra careful not to let your personal information flow when using public computers.
[5. Contact information of staff in charge of personal information management]
[6. Changes to the Privacy Policy]
ESN Block Sale Closed
Thanks for your participation
From May 23th, ESN will be distributed to individual ESN wallet in order.
ESN news or information will be sent via ESN official blog and email.